Monday 15 December 2014

2014-11-15 Moorhouse Family (2)

The second part of the Moorhouse Family annual photo shoot...
In these photos: Richard, Catherine, Brandiun, Roxanne, Michael & little Allissa.

2014-11-15 Moorhouse Family (Chr)istmas Shoot

The Moorhouse Family arrives here at Nianda Studio fully prepared for their annual photo shoot! Crates full of props... and the shoot full of laughter and FUN. In these photos you will see Richard, Catherine, Branduin, Roxanne, Michael and little Allissa....

2014-11-15 Malunga Family

Chipo, Anthony, Andrea & Athania also came to Nianda Studio during November for their annual photo shoot...

2014-11-01 Cronjé Family

The third annual photo shoot for the Cronjé Family: Gerhard, Sammy, Meagan & Ashley...