Monday 20 April 2015

2015-04-02 Baby Gabrielle

We played doll with this cutie! Enjoy the CUTEST pics of Baby Gabby and thank you Ouma Aletta for bringing her to Nianda Studio for her first photo shoot!

2015-03-28 Moodley Family

Ah, such a beautiful family! I don't have to say anything else, just enjoy the photos of Pretheshini, Vovan, Lavanya & Praneshan Moodley...

2015-03-28 Family - Maharaj Family

Vitesh and his children, Tashiel, Shreya, are regular visitors at Nianda Studio and we enjoy photographing them every time. This time they were accompanied by Granny and Grandpa, Raj & Sandra, and Vitesh's brother and his lovely wife Amith & Rashna Maharaj.

Tuesday 14 April 2015

2015-03-14 Family - Monet, Chris & Amy Oldacre

Such a lovely family to photograph! Monet, Chris and Amy Oldacre came to Nianda Studio for their second photo shoot this year. We did the photography for little Amy as a New Born baby. Just look how she has grown, now a beautiful little girl...

2015-03-09 General - Mullies Nagtegale Opname

Laerskool Muldersdrif het weer in 2015 revue en het 'n groepie leerders gekies om die CD opname te doen vir al die musiek van die revue. Dit was 2 weke se harde werk, spanwerk, vroeg opstaan en laat terugkeer na die skool. Meer as 30 liedjies is opgeneem! My meisiekind, Nikita, was ook bevoorreg om deel te wees van die Nagtegale. Sien hulle hier in aksie by Dolf Britz Studios.