Wednesday, 7 September 2016

2016-08-20 New Born Baby Mbusisi

What is more precious in life than a new born baby?
We just love capturing these little ones! So peaceful ... little Mbusisi slept through the entire photo shoot. She is very special as her mom, Noma and dad, Mollet waited 18 years for her!
We wish you lots of joy and happiness with her...

"Children are poor men's riches"
- John Ray

2016-08-13 Maternity - Ricketts Family

Jo-Ann, Bradley and Pharell Ricketts are waiting for the birth of a new bundle of love!
We captured them in a gorgeous family maternity photo shoot at Nianda Studio.

"The best way to make children good is to make them happy"
- Oscar Wilde

2016-07-28 Vroue Landbou Unie (VLU) Damesoggend (Sop, Sjerrie & Sjokelade)

'n Lekker oggend byeenkoms waar die VLU se dames bymekaar gekom het vir sop, sjerrie en sjokelade. Die tema was outydse kleredrag en die dames het omtrent uitgehang met hoedjies, handskoene en serpies om die modes van toeka uit te beeld. Ek het ook die foto's aangepas om by die tema in te skakel.

"We are volcanoes. When we women offer our experience as our truth, as human truth, all the maps change. There are new mountains" 
- Ursula K. Le Guin

2016-07-21 Korefees met Jak de Priester (Suiderlig NG Kerk - Krugersdorp)